Units of Measurement

Units of Measurement

There are two different unit systems: conventional units and SI units.

The International System of Units, or SI Units (abbreviated SI from French: Le Système international d'unités) is the modern form of the metric system and is the world's most widely used system of measurement, used in both everyday commerce and science.

SI units use the meter, the kilogram, the second, and the kelvin. Each base unit measures a different quantity. For example, the meter measures length, and the kilogram measures mass. It is slowly being adopted in the United States.

U.S. Conventional Units (may also be referred as United States customary units) are a system of measurement commonly used in the United States. In the United States, most people express distances in inches, feet, yards, or miles. Those units, along with the units that are used for speed, volume, and other quantities, are known as the U.S. Conventional System.

Automatic interpretation of the Complete blood count (CBC) with differential

SI UnitsConventional Units
Red Blood Cell (RBC)1012 cells/L =
106/µL =
106/mm3 =
M/µL =
1012 cells/L = 106/µL
Hemoglobin (HB/Hgb)g/Lg/dL =
g/100mL =
g/L / 10 => g/dL
g/L = mg/mL
Hematocrit (HCT)%
Mean Cell Volume (MCV)fL (femtoliters)µm3(cubic micrometer)1 fL = 1 μm 3
Mean Cell Hemoglobin (MCH) pg (picograms)
Mean Cell Hb Conc (MCHC)g/L g/dL
Reticulocyte Count (RTC)%o/oo
Platelet Count (PLT)109 /L 103 /µL K/mcL
White Blood Cell (WBC)109 /L 103 /µL K/mcL
Neutrophils%109 /L
Lymphocytes%109 /L
Monocytes%109 /L
Eosinophils%109 /L
Basophils%109 /L
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) mm/hr

cmm (cubic millimeters) = mm3= µL (microliters) = mcL (microliters)thousands/µL = 103/cmm = 103/µL = K/cmm = K/µL = K/mcLmillions/µL = 106 /cmm = 106/µL = M/cmm = M/µL = M/mcL